ChemNet.com - Global Chemical portal and Chemical Search Engine
ChemNet, the preferred chemical B2B platform is operated as global chemical service by NetSun, a leading provider of specific-industry service. ChemNet serves chemical professionals around the world in the fields of trading and exch... More Details
The differences and the same points between B2B and B2C
1) online bank account a functional system uses the internet, a bank statement in support of the internet, the buyer registered a simulation, and get a bank account, this account in the online processing trade balance.2) system management s... More Details
The distinguish between B2B and B2C
B2B means business to business, the companies use the internet to do the business. Sometimes we can called them B to B, but simply we use the partial tone B2B(2 To to).B2B is short for business to business,means the business betwe... More Details
What is the B2B? B2B introduction
B2B (Business To Business) is a kind of a market area, is the marketing business to business relationship between. E-commerce is a modern B2B marketing in a specific major manifestations. It intranet, working closely with our custo... More Details

Bagsdirect.com - Luggage & Bags Products and Business Directory
Bagsdirect.com is an online business marketplace of Luggage and Bags, selling both B2C (business to consumer) and B2B (business to business).Bagsdirect.com is a family-owned and run business originating back to the early 1970’... More Details

Businessportals.com - Global Business directory
BusinessPortals.com is published by Business Portals B.V. and is part of a large range of websites targeted at all kinds of industries, all brought together through businessportals.com. Businessportals.com is the base of the int... More Details

AgroTrade.net - Worldwide B2B Marketplace For Agricultural & Fishery Trade
AgroTrade.Net as a worldwide B2B (Business to Business) marketplace is providing a Korea B2B(BtoB) agricultural products trade lead system. This Korea B2Bs agricultural products trade lead system promotes agricultural produc... More Details

Worldbidfood.com - Food International Trade b2b Marketplace
WorldBidFood is the largest network of international trade marketplaces in the world, providing trade leads, request for proposals and tender opportunities from companies and government organizations worldwide. Sell your goods to a memb... More Details

Worldbidfishing.com - Fishing International Trade b2b Marketplace
WorldBidFishing is the largest network of international trade marketplaces in the world, providing trade leads, request for proposals and tender opportunities from companies and government organizations worldwide. Sell your goods to a m... More Details

Worldbidagriculture.com - Agriculture International Trade b2b Marketplace
WorldBidAgriculture is the largest network of international trade marketplaces in the world, providing trade leads, request for proposals and tender opportunities from companies and government organizations worldwide. Sell your goods to... More Details